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Transmit: Radio

Flexiva DAX™

1 to 6 kW AM/IBOC - HD Radio/DRM Transmitter Family

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The Flexiva DAX transmitters deliver high-quality, solid design in the 1-6kW range.

Accurate digital signal reproduction with low bit error rate is essential to maximizing digital coverage. That is why our engineers specifically designed Flexiva DAX transmitters to not only deliver exceptional linearity and bandwidth but to also deliver the cleanest analog sound in this power range and provide the most accurate reproduction of the HD Radio signal in the low power ranges.

Flexiva DAX Transmitters use the WEB Remote System, tied to the station's LAN or directly to the Internet, to provide IP based control and monitoring.

Flexiva DAX performs with a high-efficiency modulation technique called Digital Adaptive Modulation. This technology uses a digitally generated AM waveform with DSP based adaptive correction to give the user a high performance transmitter in a cost-effective platform. Digital Adaptive Modulation samples the modulated output and dynamically corrects for non-linearity. The result is the cleanest, purest analog or digital (DRM or HD Radio) signal in this power level.

The Flexiva DAX™ family is made up of four different AM/HD/DRM transmitters, which provides superior HD Radio™, DRM™, and analog performance.

Main Features of Flexiva DAX™

  • Ready for Digital
  • 50 kHz broadband modulator for exceptional linearity
  • Lightweight main chassis
  • Compact, 16 RU rack-mount design
  • Hot-spare redundancy at 1 kW (Flexiva DAX-1R only)
  • Extensive diagnostics and fault reporting
  • Unsurpassed factory support – 24/7


  • Adjustable Output Matching Network 
  • Spare Parts Kits 
  • Factory Training

Main Features of Flexiva DAX™

  • Ready for Digital
  • 50 kHz broadband modulator for exceptional linearity
  • Lightweight main chassis
  • Compact, 16 RU rack-mount design
  • Hot-spare redundancy at 1 kW (Flexiva DAX-1R only)
  • Extensive diagnostics and fault reporting
  • Unsurpassed factory support – 24/7


  • Adjustable Output Matching Network 
  • Spare Parts Kits 
  • Factory Training

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