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ATSC 3.0: Transmitter and Monitoring

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As you move to ATSC 3.0, the transmitter will, at the very least, need a software update to transition to the new modulation. Depending on your coverage planning and the mode you plan to run ATSC 3.0, you may need to accommodate the difference in average power between ATSC 1.0 and ATSC 3.0. As you prepare for spectrum repack, it is a good idea to make your transmitter plans cover you for the future ATSC 3.0 changes.

Key Transmitter Plant Considerations

  • Exciter Technology
    • Can my exciter be upgraded for ATSC 3.0 when it becomes available?
    • GatesAir can provide a new exciter, specifically designed to maximize ATSC 3.0 capabilities and features
    • Can the exciter in my existing transmitter be replaced with an ATSC 3.0 capable unit?
      - Contact GatesAir for details
  • Transmitter – A few things to consider
    • ATSC 3.0 and ATSC 1.0 have different Peak-to-average Power Ratios (PAR)
      • ATSC 1.0 ≅ 6dB (measured, not exceeded 99.9% of the time)
      • ATSC 3.0 ≅ 8dB (to be verified)
      • This represents a power ratio of 2dB or 1.585
      • All transmitters are peak power limited
      • Therefore an ATSC 1.0 transmitter rated for 10kW average power will run at 10/1.585 = 6.3kW with ATSC 3.0 (with peak power remaining the same)
    • Do I need a larger transmitter in order to maximize ERP & coverage?
    • Can I upgrade my transmitter for higher power operation?
  • Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Analysis
    • Whatever transmitter you currently own, let GatesAir help you determine if it makes sense to replace it with a current energy-efficient model
    • Calculate payback period, ROI
    • Reduce building HVAC, rent, maintenance costs
    • Evaluate costs of Single Frequency Networks (SFN)/boosters to enhance coverage
    • Identify utility company rebates for installation of new energy efficient equipment
  • In ATSC 3.0, the game changes in your ability to delivery content and IP-based data to multiple consumers using differing business models.
    • Advances in monitoring solutions have come a long way since your transmitter was installed for ATSC 1.0. As you deploy ATSC 3.0 that offers more services, it is critical to ensure the consumer's quality of experience is met to provide longer viewing times, and ultimately more station revenue.
    • The additional capacity each station will have to deliver more content (possibly including material from other content creators) demands that stations have detailed monitoring solutions to support the agreed-upon quality of service between stations, in addition to meeting consumer expectations.
ATSC 3.0: Transmitter and Monitoring image
Download the ATSC 3.0 Transition and Deployment Guide today!

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