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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Winds of Change March Forward

By: Phil Argyris, CEO, GatesAir, Mason, OH

St. Patrick’s Day has varied meanings for many people, but those who celebrate the day all share its festive spirit.  Here at GatesAir, the lone March holiday brings a second reason to celebrate:  The one-year anniversary of our company’s formation.

Last March 17, Imagine Communications CEO and GatesAir Chairman Charlie Vogt gathered a large press corps at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The “Media Day” event delivered compelling presentations from industry thought leaders about the future of broadcasting, and the problem-solving approaches that visionary companies like IBM and Disney are bringing to the broadcast industry. 

However, the event’s main purpose was to announce that Harris Broadcast would transform into Imagine Communications and GatesAir, with each company laser-focused on serving two complementary, yet very distinctive customer bases. The transformation would ensure each company could more flexibly address the significant challenges each customer base faces as the broadcast industry, and consumer habits, continue to change. 

A Sharper Focus Shapes Vision

The transformation has refocused GatesAir’s mission into serving one core audience: the over-the-air broadcaster. We have spent the past year building on our legacy of quality, reliability and innovation in engineering, with dedicated sales, service and support teams driving our customer-first philosophy.

Over the past 365 days, GatesAir has made the most of its opportunity as a standalone company focused on multichannel wireless content delivery. Our global presence at key tradeshows has been widely recognized, and we continue to build sales and service teams in every region to get closer to our customers. These key initiatives have been instrumental in building new relationships, and fortifying those with our existing customers and partners.  


Posted by GatesAir Webmaster on 03/17/2015 at 11:57 AM  •  GatesAir Company Technology Innovation Harris Broadcast
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