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MaxxCasting is a proprietary system developed by Geo-Broadcast Solutions and GatesAir specifically for the expansion of FM signal coverage. This powerful broadcasting architecture combines radio and cellular technology to enable FM Broadcasters to maximize their market-wide signal penetration in a variety of ways. With MaxxCasting, broadcasters can boost their revenue potentials by simulcasting content and expanding network topology to improve and increase coverage.

MaxxCasting™ image

What is MaxxCasting?

Historically, broadcasters have used single booster sites with relatively high antenna heights to fill in areas where their main signal is blocked by terrain. While the single site, tall tower booster does fill in the terrain blocked area, it can often create interference with the main signal in areas that are covered by both the main and booster signals.

MaxxCasting coverage diagramThe MaxxCasting System uses a network topology for targeted, over-the-air radio FM broadcasting, focusing on simulcasting content to improve coverage. It deploys under existing regulations, expanding market coverage more effectively than traditional signal booster technologies. The system architecture employs corresponding transmission and control technologies to increase signal coverage via efficient, single-frequency networks. The overall solution improves the signal by minimizing interference, while filling in the gaps of a broadcaster’s market coverage.

Key components of the MaxxCasting system are Flexiva™ FM transmitters and the Intraplex® SynchroCast™ IP-based simulcast system, which work with the GBS network design architecture.

Stations with MaxxCasting have a clear competitive advantage over their peers by being able to offer:

  • Better coverage across main signal area
  • Little to no interruptions for listeners
  • Access to more advertisers and listeners through higher share
  • Minimal interference with signal

The MaxxCasting system has also been refined using proprietary listener studies performed by NPR Labs and Ellyn Sheffield at Towson State University, a renowned expert in audio sciences to determine listener tolerance to “multipath interference.” These tests are used as a basis to design the most efficient and clean booster systems available. 

After several years of development and extensive testing, the MaxxCasting System takes the guesswork out of the booster design process and allows for a much greater precision in determining:

  • Height above average terrain for the booster sites
  • Power ratios among the main transmitter site and the booster sites
  • GBS based timing differentials
  • The number of booster sites needed
  • Distance between the booster sites

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