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Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Find Out Just How Ready You Are for the Repack

Find Out Just How Ready You Are for the Repack

The grand majority of U.S. television stations -- and more than a few FM radio stations -- are following the FCC's 600MHz incentive auction very, very closely. Currently in progress, the auction's purpose is to help reallocate a large portion of the UHF spectrum from TV broadcast use toward mobile data use.

In the resulting repack of this UHF spectrum, hundreds of stations will be subject to channel shifts, shares, or shutdowns. Though these options are all voluntary, the first two could cost those broadcasters lots of time and money in planning, moving, updating, and other logistical considerations.

GatesAir can help reduce planning costs for TV broadcasters by assisting throughout the repack process. GatesAir Services can provide a full site survey to evaluate the following:

  • Transmitter
  • RF System
  • Antenna and Feed Line
  • Electrical
  • Tower
  • Site and Building layout
  • HVAC

We have personnel throughout the country that can support a high volume of site evaluations. We can provide P.E. stamped drawings of tower structurals, site and building layouts, HVAC and electric that can be used for permitting purposes, if required.

GatesAir can also offer recommendations as a result of the data recovered from the site survey. We can quickly work with a broadcaster to implement plans and complete any installations that were recommended as result of the site survey.

Contact us today to make sure that you are repack ready!

Tip from the GatesAir Services team
Main support number: +1 888 840 4622


Posted by GatesAir Webmaster (10/04/2016, 09:15 AM)  •  TV Transmission