White Papers
White Papers
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Digital Radio – A Global Perspective
Rich Redmond
NAB Show 2012
Global status of implementation and usage of digital radio systems, including proposed end of analog FM in some countries
Is Mobile TV (MTV) Really a Mobile Delivery Vehicle (MDV)?
Rich Redmond
BroadcastAsia 2010
Content delivery options and business models available on digital multimedia broadcast networks, including impact on spectrum
Extending Your HD Radio™ Footprint
Geoff Mendenhall
NAB Show 2010 (Winner of Best Paper Award)
About facility planning requirements and technology choices needed to improve HD signal coverage
Multimedia Transmission Network Implementation
Rich Redmond
BroadcastAsia 2009
The key considerations/evaluations when developing implementation plans for new terrestrial digital multimedia networks
“On Channel” Repeater Implementation for HD Radio™ Coverage Improvement
Rich Redmond
NAB Show 2009
Use of "on-channel" repeaters or gap fillers to enhance coverage, exploring space planning, power levels and ongoing costs
Mobile TV: Multimedia Content Delivery on the Move
Rich Redmond
BroadcastAsia 2008
Content delivery options and business models available on Mobile TV networks, including opportunities and considerations