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ATSC 3.0: STL and Transport

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Getting your signal from the studio to the transmitter (or transmitters) requires some focus to ensure you will have the right capacity and structure for your future plans. In ATSC 3.0, STL links will need to be more flexible than what is currently deployed.

Key Considerations

  • Systems designed initially for ATSC 1.0 and a constant data rate of 19.39Mb/s and with a SMPTE-310M, or ASI Transport Stream.
    • For ATSC 3.0, higher data rates up to ≅ 60 Mb/s may mean that the original STL may not be suitable.
  • ATSC 3.0 uses IP Transport Streams versus ASI or SMPTE-310.
  • New IP transport methods provide the means to add significantly improved error mitigation and redundancy.
ATSC 3.0: STL and Transport image
Download the ATSC 3.0 Transition and Deployment Guide today!

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