基于IP的STL / TSL的音频编解码器
IP音频编解码器的Intraplex IP Link系列以可承受的价格提供高端功能。
IP Link编解码器提供了一系列音频编码选项以及用于数据隧道传输的IPConnect技术,适用于Studio到发射机链接(STL)以及音频发布和分配网络。对IP多播和多个单播流的支持使一个编码器可以为多个解码器提供信号。
通过合并可用于流媒体和管理的三个IP接口,IP Link系统可以提供在价格相仿的编解码器中所没有的可靠性水平。
作为Intraplex数据传输产品系列的最新产品,IP Link音频编解码器系列为IP编解码器市场带来了传奇的Intraplex可靠性。
单击此处,可以了解有关该家族的特殊成员IP Link MPXp的更多信息。
主要特点 Intraplex®IP链接
- IP Link 100 / 100p:单个双向立体声音频通道
- IP Link 100c:便携式半机架单元;单双向立体声音频通道
- IP Link 100e:用于Flexiva发射器/激励器的模块化插入卡;单双向立体声音频通道
- IP Link 200:两个双向立体声音频通道
- IP Link 200A:两个双向立体声音频通道,其中一个通道为AES67
- 标准:线性,AAC-LC,Opus和G.722音频编码
- 可选:AAC-HE,AAC-HEv2,AACELD,MPEG2,MPEG3和增强的aptX音频编码
- 可选:符合EBU R-128和ITU-R的自动音频响度调整和计量
- 可选:IPConnect功能可可靠地传输外部IP数据包
- 其他传输模式:高达192 kbps的透明AES,以支持AES上的复合FM多路复用信号
- 协议封装:RTP,SHOUTcast / Icecast,MPEG-TS
- 三个独立的IP接口,用于冗余网络操作
- 可选的冗余电源:12VDC或48VDC
- 内置静音传感器,可选切换流
- 从USB驱动器或外部音频源自动备份到音频播放
- 多编码可以以STL,备份和Web流的多种格式对同一音频源进行编码
- 可选的动态流拼接,可在难以预测的IP网络上提供“无中断”运行和T1 / E1电路等性能
- 输出端的优先流源具有自动切换功能,可在主要和次要流以及备用源(流,USB,外部音频源)之间自动切换和切换
- 可编程RTP级前向纠错(FEC)方案
- 可编程的时间分集和流交织以消除突发数据包丢失
- 与Intraplex IP Link Scheduler集成,可自动进行计划的程序切换
- 与Intraplex LiveLook (网络分析和监控软件)集成
- N + 1冗余,具有对外部交换设备的集成控制
- IP Link 200 / 200A / 100p: SynchroCast™选项为单频网络(SFN)广播和联播提供动态管理的精确延迟
- 支持IP多播和多单播
- Web浏览器用户界面和SNMP网络管理
- 八个多功能触点闭合输入和输出提供:
- 将时间与音频对齐的逻辑信号传输
- 流控制
- 警报通知
主要特点 Intraplex®IP链接
- IP Link 100 / 100p:单个双向立体声音频通道
- IP Link 100c:便携式半机架单元;单双向立体声音频通道
- IP Link 100e:用于Flexiva发射器/激励器的模块化插入卡;单双向立体声音频通道
- IP Link 200:两个双向立体声音频通道
- IP Link 200A:两个双向立体声音频通道,其中一个通道为AES67
- Intraplex®IP Link 100 / 100p / 200 / 200A的数据表 [英语] [pdf, 774 KB]
- Intraplex®IP Link 100e的数据表 [英语] [pdf, 851 KB]
- 宣传册 [英语] [pdf, 765 KB]
- Intraplex® 产品线手册 [英语] [pdf, 674 KB]
- Intraplex® 产品线手册 [英语] [pdf, 651 KB]
- Intraplex® 产品线手册 [英语] [pdf, 732 KB]
- Intraplex® IntraAlert 数据表 [英语] [pdf, 496 KB]
- Intraplex® 产品线手册 [英语] [pdf, 2 MB]
- 简报
- FM SFNs: A Toolkit to Extend Radio Coverage 4/30/2020 [pdf, 10 MB]
- Intraplex Audio Systems: Customer Use Cases 4/21/2020 [pdf, 3 MB]
- Intraplex IP Audio Contribution & Distribution Capabilities 4/14/2020 [pdf, 4 MB]
- Next Generation Radio Transmission Systems 4/9/2020 [pdf, 7 MB]
- FM Boosters 2.0 – It’s Not Your Father’s SFN 4/8/2018 [pdf, 4 MB]
- Reliable Transport of Audio and Data Over IP 4/23/2017 [pdf, 486 KB]
- Single Frequency Networks: SynchroCast™ 4/23/2017 [pdf, 1 MB]
- Analyzing Requirements For IP STL 4/17/2016 [pdf, 658 KB]
- Audio Over IP – Technology Considerations 9/12/2015 [pdf, 691 KB]
- Synchronous Boosters for Single Frequency Networking and MaxxCasting 8/1/2015 [pdf, 2 MB]
- The Role of Network Packet Loss Modeling in Reliable Transport of Broadcast Audio 4/14/2015 [pdf, 1 MB]
- 白皮书
- FM Boosters 2.0 – It’s Not Your Father’s SFN 4/8/2018 [pdf, 1 MB]
- The Role of Network Packet Loss Modeling in Reliable Transport of Broadcast Audio 2/5/2015 [pdf, 2 MB]
- Methods for Mitigating IP Network Packet Loss in Real Time Audio Streaming Applications 2/5/2014 [pdf, 465 KB]
- 新闻发布
- GatesAir 电视和调频发射机产品线扩展以满足低功耗需求 9/3/2024
- GatesAir 在 IBC2024 上推出三款全新 Intraplex 解决方案 8/19/2024
- GatesAir 为 Intraplex IP 编解码器和 Ascent 云平台添加定向广告功能 4/9/2024
- GatesAir 加入 Flexiva GX 发射器系列 3/19/2024
- GatesAir 将在 IBC 上推出新的 Intraplex IP 链路编解码器和高效 MPX 传输应用 8/29/2023
- GatesAir 在 IBC 上揭示全球无线电传输趋势 8/22/2023
- GatesAir 在 2023 年 NAB 展上推出 Intraplex 云监控服务 4/12/2023
- GatesAir 为 WAY 媒体站提供 FM 和高清广播系统 10/25/2022
- GatesAir 通过 Flexiva GX 系列扩展了低功率 FM 传输系列 8/17/2022
- GatesAir 为 Intraplex IP 和云传输解决方案添加音频处理功能 10/27/2021
- GatesAir通过Flexiva无线电发射机中的IP传输集成Intraplex音频 8/26/2020
- GatesAir和StreamGuys通过Intraplex网络解决方案启用云服务 6/10/2020
- GatesAir将Keyur Parikh提升为工程部副总裁 6/8/2020
- 媒体更新警报:GatesAir在保加利亚获胜 5/19/2020
- 媒体更新警报:GatesAir在NAB Show Express上大放异彩 5/12/2020
- GatesAir为KAKT(FM)提供端到端高清广播解决方案 8/7/2019
- GatesAir将基于IP的视频支持集成到Intraplex®Ascent Transport Platform中 8/1/2019
- GatesAir推出Intraplex®Ascent,以解决IP传输上的音频广播和IT融合问题 3/7/2019
- GatesAir Channel合作伙伴FS24在阿根廷开设技术支持中心 10/18/2018
- GatesAir在IBC2018上通过IP传输平台上的新型Intraplex音频解决广播和IT融合问题 8/23/2018
- GatesAir在IBC2018上提高了DAB无线电生态系统的效率和功能 7/26/2018
- GatesAir任命Tony Gervasi为Intraplex广播销售经理 4/4/2018
- GatesAir通过新的Intraplex®IPConnect网关加强了IP网络上的数据保护 3/14/2018
- GatesAir为IP音频信号传输实现AES67互操作性 2/28/2018
- GatesAir为CABSAT带来传输和网络创新 1/9/2018
- GatesAir在IBC2017上加强了广播电台的IP数据保护和带宽效率 8/1/2017
- GatesAir和Tecom Group使用集中式管理工具加强了Intraplex®IP链接 4/21/2017
- GatesAir通过Intraplex®IPConnect增强了无线电广播的IP数据保护 4/12/2017
- GatesAir将在IWCE上展示通过IP网络可靠地交付公共安全通信的过程 3/8/2017
- GatesAir赢得中东最大的单频网络FM广播部署 3/7/2017
- GatesAir将带宽消耗减少了一半,用于未压缩的数字IP STL传输 3/6/2017
- 塔纳纳河谷电视广播公司选择了交钥匙门空中传输和演播室系统 6/27/2016
- GatesAir宣布第二次年度客户活动,2016 NAB Show会议演示 4/7/2016
- GatesAir和Burk Technology建立SNMP over IP路径以进行更丰富的RF监控 3/28/2016
- GatesAir在2016 NAB展会上扩展了Intraplex®IP Link系列 3/2/2016
- GatesAir第二届年度重新包装峰会探讨了渠道重新定位,向ATSC 3.0过渡的影响 11/30/2015
- GatesAir增强了微波STL连接的IP传输能力 9/28/2015
- GatesAir扩展了无线频谱范围内的智能IP网络产品组合 8/19/2015
- GatesAir任命Omnicast作为澳大利亚分销渠道 6/23/2015
- GatesAir提升网络可靠性,IP传输的流监控 3/26/2015
- GatesAir将WRLY-LP过渡到智能IP网络解决方案 11/3/2014
- GeoBroadcast解决方案通过MaxxCasting™帮助西弗吉尼亚州电台扩大覆盖范围 9/10/2014
- GatesAir在电台节目中优化了下一代无线平台 9/9/2014
- 圣经广播网通过GatesAir传达信息 9/2/2014
- IBC2014:GatesAir展示了智能网络,可互操作性以实现可靠的IP信号传输 8/12/2014
- GatesAir在BroadcastAsia2014上强调无线网络的运输和交付 6/9/2014
- GatesAir简化了跨变送器网络的广播节目同步 4/6/2014
- GatesAir AES-192解决方案为无线电广播公司的IP信号传输开辟了新天地 4/2/2014
- Intraplex®IP Link 100 / 100p / 200 / 200A的数据表 [英语] [pdf, 774 KB]
- Intraplex®IP Link 100e的数据表 [英语] [pdf, 851 KB]
- 宣传册 [英语] [pdf, 765 KB]
- Intraplex® 产品线手册 [英语] [pdf, 674 KB]
- Intraplex® 产品线手册 [英语] [pdf, 651 KB]
- Intraplex® 产品线手册 [英语] [pdf, 732 KB]
- Intraplex® IntraAlert 数据表 [英语] [pdf, 496 KB]
- Intraplex® 产品线手册 [英语] [pdf, 2 MB]
- 简报
- FM SFNs: A Toolkit to Extend Radio Coverage 4/30/2020 [pdf, 10 MB]
- Intraplex Audio Systems: Customer Use Cases 4/21/2020 [pdf, 3 MB]
- Intraplex IP Audio Contribution & Distribution Capabilities 4/14/2020 [pdf, 4 MB]
- 白皮书
- FM Boosters 2.0 – It’s Not Your Father’s SFN 4/8/2018 [pdf, 1 MB]
- The Role of Network Packet Loss Modeling in Reliable Transport of Broadcast Audio 2/5/2015 [pdf, 2 MB]
- Methods for Mitigating IP Network Packet Loss in Real Time Audio Streaming Applications 2/5/2014 [pdf, 465 KB]
- 新闻发布
- GatesAir 电视和调频发射机产品线扩展以满足低功耗需求 9/3/2024
- GatesAir 在 IBC2024 上推出三款全新 Intraplex 解决方案 8/19/2024
- GatesAir 为 Intraplex IP 编解码器和 Ascent 云平台添加定向广告功能 4/9/2024
Intraplex IP Audio Contribution & Distribution Capabilities
Intraplex Audio Systems: Customer Use Cases
GatesAir Unveils 5G Broadcasting Innovations at IBC2024 – The Future of OTA Technology
FM SFNs: A Toolkit to Extend Radio Coverage
Using Contact Closures to Improve Streaming Workflows
NAB Show 2019 | Intraplex IP Link
Intraplex® IP Link MPXp | GatesAir Connect Product Overview
Essential AoIP STL with Intraplex IP Link 100 | GatesAir Connect Webinar Series
GatesAir Empowers OTA Broadcast Infrastructure at NAB Show 2018 | InBroadcast Insight
Intraplex® IPConnect | GatesAir Connect Product Overview/Demo
Leveraging Intraplex LiveLook analytics to optimize AoIP performance | GatesAir Connect Webinar
InBroadcast InSight at IBC 2016 - GATESAIR
Intraplex® Products | NAB Show 2016 Webinar
InSight At NABSHOW 2016 GatesAir
GatesAir's IBC2015 Product Tour: InBroadcast InSight
- Pick Hit 2013: Intraplex® IP Link (Radio Magazine)
- Pick Hit 2012: Intraplex® IP Link 100 (Radio Magazine)
- User Report: MPR/APM Build Links With Burk (Radio World, 10/27/2020)
- Codecs Offer Redundancy, Backup and Failover (Radio World, 9/20/2020)
- Pick Hit 2013: Intraplex® IP Link (Radio Magazine)
- Pick Hit 2012: Intraplex® IP Link 100 (Radio Magazine)
- Best of Show 2017: Intraplex® IP Link MPXp (Radio Magazine)
- Best of Show 2023: Intraplex IP Link 100n (Radio World)
- Best of Show 2018: Intraplex IP Link 200A (Radio World International Edition)
- Best of Show 2016: Intraplex® IP Link MPX (Radio World)
- Best of Show 2016: Intraplex® IP Link MPX (Radio Magazine)
- User Report: MPR/APM Build Links With Burk (Radio World, 10/27/2020)
- Codecs Offer Redundancy, Backup and Failover (Radio World, 9/20/2020)
- Compact hardware codec from GatesAir (IBC Daily, 9/14/2020)
- GatesAir unveils modular Intraplex IP Links at IBC Showcase (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting, 9/10/2020)
- IBC Showcase 2020: 10 Essential Product Releases (TM Broadcast, 9/8/2020)
- GatesAir integra audio Intraplex sobre transporte IP dentro de Flexiva (Produ, 9/2/2020)
- GatesAir Integrates Intraplex Audio over IP Transport Within Flexiva Radio Transmitters (TheFuture.TV, 9/1/2020)
- Two New Intraplex IP Link Audio over IP Innovations, From GatesAir (Radio+Television Business Report, 9/1/2020)
- GatesAir integra audio Intraplex sobre IP en transmisores (TV y Video, 9/1/2020)
- AoIP purpose-built for GatesAir transmitters (IBC Daily, 8/28/2020)
- GatesAir merges Intraplex Audio over IP transport in Flexiva radio transmitters (BroadcastPro Middle East, 8/27/2020)
- GatesAir Intraplex IP Link Audio-over-IP (Fast-and-Wide, 8/27/2020)
- GatesAir announces two new Intraplex IP Link Audio over IP innovations (TM Broadcast, 8/26/2020)
- New Intraplex IP Links Include a Flexiva Plug-In (Radio World, 8/26/2020)
- GatesAir integrates Intraplex Audio over IP Transport within Flexiva Radio Transmitters (RadioInfo, 8/26/2020)
- The Old WAAF: A Greater LOVE for Boston (Radio & Television Business Report, 7/30/2020)
- Worcester, MA Station WKVB-FM Expands to the Boston-Market By Significantly Improving Its Signal Through a Diplexing Arrangement With WXLO-FM’s GBS HD MaxxCasting™ Antenna (Yahoo! Finance, 7/30/2020)
- Trends in Codecs and STLs for 2020 (Radio World, 7/29/2020)
- KWFN Deploys an HD Radio Single-Frequency Network (Radio World, 7/16/2020)
- GatesAir y StreamGuys habilitan servicios en la nube (TV y Video, 6/16/2020)
- GatesAir and StreamGuys Enable Cloud Services with Intraplex Networking Solutions (MediaNTEK, 6/15/2020)
- GatesAir y StreamGuys habilitan servicios en la nube con Intraplex (Newsline Report, 6/15/2020)
- GatesAir and StreamGuys Enable Cloud Services with Intraplex Networking Solutions (The Future of TV, 6/14/2020)
- GatesAir and StreamGuys enable cloud services with Intraplex Networking Solutions (Asia Radio Today, 6/14/2020)
- GatesAir, StreamGuys Translate Closures Into Metadata (Radio World, 6/14/2020)
- GatesAir Promotes Keyur Parikh to Vice President of Engineering (MediaNTEK, 6/12/2020)
- StreamGuys And GatesAir Team Up; Move Would Allow Live-Stream Ad Breaks (Inside Radio, 6/12/2020)
- GatesAir And StreamGuys Partner On Cloud Services (InBroadcast, 6/11/2020)
- GatesAir y StreamGuys habilitan servicios en la nube (Produ, 6/10/2020)
- GatesAir and StreamGuys Enable Cloud Services with Intraplex (Radio Online, 6/10/2020)
- Using Contact Closures to Improve Streaming Workflows – GatesAir and StreamGuys (Content+Technology, 6/10/2020)
- GatesAir partners with StreamGuys to automate server-side applications in the cloud (TM Broadcast, 6/10/2020)
- Dynamic Ad Insertion, Cloud-Based Recording Options For Radio (Radio & Television Business Report, 6/9/2020)
- GatesAir Selects A New Engineering VP With An Intraplex Plug (Radio & Television Business Report, 6/9/2020)
- GatesAir has promoted Keyur Parikh to Vice President of Engineering (RadioInfo, 6/9/2020)
- GatesAir promotes Keyur Parikh to vice president of engineering (Broadcast & CableSat, 6/9/2020)
- GatesAir: Keyur Parikh se torna o novo vice-presidente de engenharia (Panorama Audiovisual, 6/9/2020)
- GatesAir Promotes Parikh to VP of Engineering (Radio World, 6/8/2020)
- GatesAir Promotes Keyur Parikh To VP of Engineering (InBroadcast, 6/8/2020)
- GatesAir Promotes Parikh to Vice President of Engineering (TV Technology, 6/8/2020)