Intraplex NetXpress LX™
Intraplex NetXpress LX IP音频多路复用器以缩小的价格,可承受的价格提供了高性能的IP音频平台。
NetXpress LX系统支持单播和多播,并且与现有的NetXpress兼容,为IP音频网络设计开辟了新的可能性。
现有的T1 / E1多路复用器到IP的转换
从T1或E1迁移到IP时,不要再考虑淘汰完美的Intraplex系统。新的NetXpress LX IP接口模块CM-30可以替换现有Intraplex T1 / E1系统中的网络接口模块,将它们转换为IP,同时保留现有机箱及其所有音频,语音和数据卡。
NetXpress LX多路复用器以原始NetXpress系统的技术为基础,但具有与我们的T1 / E1系统相匹配的外形,可提供演播室到传送器链路(STL)和其他固定,完整的网络所要求的可靠而强大的性能。设施间应用程序。 NetXpress LX系统有两种尺寸-一个3RU框架,最多可容纳17个应用程序模块,一个紧凑的1RU框架,可容纳五个应用程序模块-NetXpress LX系统还可以与NetXpress多路复用器一起在大型多站点中用作“边缘”设备网络。
NetXpress LX多路复用器提供了Intraplex所期望的卓越支持和长期价值-Intraplex是广播的首选,是IP音频,T1 / E1和950 MHz音频和数据链路的稳定,全时运行的首选。
主要特点 Intraplex NetXpress LX™
- CM-30 IP接口模块:可以将现有的T1 / E1系统转换为IP
- 与Intraplex NetXpress系统兼容
- 多种音频,语音和数据接口模块
- 两线语音电路的可选回声消除
- 在每个方向上传输两个触点闭合
- 可调包大小
- 可编程抖动缓冲器深度
- 先进的Intraplex前向纠错
- 服务质量(QoS)优先级标记
- 单向或双向单播流
- 单向多播流
- Web浏览器用户界面
- SNMP可控
- 当前和先前的软件修订版存储
- 网络统计监控
- 事件记录
主要特点 Intraplex NetXpress LX™
- CM-30 IP接口模块:可以将现有的T1 / E1系统转换为IP
- 与Intraplex NetXpress系统兼容
- 多种音频,语音和数据接口模块
- 两线语音电路的可选回声消除
- 在每个方向上传输两个触点闭合
- 可调包大小
- 可编程抖动缓冲器深度
- 先进的Intraplex前向纠错
- 服务质量(QoS)优先级标记
- 单向或双向单播流
- 单向多播流
- Web浏览器用户界面
- 数据表 Intraplex NetXpress LX™ [英语] [pdf, 857 KB]
- 宣传册 [英语] [pdf, 2 MB]
- 新闻发布
- GatesAir将Keyur Parikh提升为工程部副总裁 6/8/2020
- GatesAir任命Tony Gervasi为Intraplex广播销售经理 4/4/2018
- GatesAir将在IWCE上展示通过IP网络可靠地交付公共安全通信的过程 3/8/2017
- 新的Intraplex®NetXpress™音频和数据网络平台通过IP和传统TDM网络集成了更大的NOC冗余和GPIO连接 2/24/2016
- GatesAir首次亮相IWCE展示了用于公共安全的智能网络 2/25/2015
- 数据表 Intraplex NetXpress LX™ [英语] [pdf, 857 KB]
- 宣传册 [英语] [pdf, 2 MB]
- 新闻发布
- GatesAir将Keyur Parikh提升为工程部副总裁 6/8/2020
- GatesAir任命Tony Gervasi为Intraplex广播销售经理 4/4/2018
- GatesAir将在IWCE上展示通过IP网络可靠地交付公共安全通信的过程 3/8/2017
- GatesAir y StreamGuys habilitan servicios en la nube (TV y Video, 6/16/2020)
- GatesAir and StreamGuys Enable Cloud Services with Intraplex Networking Solutions (MediaNTEK, 6/15/2020)
- GatesAir y StreamGuys habilitan servicios en la nube (TV y Video, 6/16/2020)
- GatesAir and StreamGuys Enable Cloud Services with Intraplex Networking Solutions (MediaNTEK, 6/15/2020)
- GatesAir y StreamGuys habilitan servicios en la nube con Intraplex (Newsline Report, 6/15/2020)
- GatesAir and StreamGuys Enable Cloud Services with Intraplex Networking Solutions (The Future of TV, 6/14/2020)
- GatesAir and StreamGuys enable cloud services with Intraplex Networking Solutions (Asia Radio Today, 6/14/2020)
- GatesAir, StreamGuys Translate Closures Into Metadata (Radio World, 6/14/2020)
- GatesAir Promotes Keyur Parikh to Vice President of Engineering (MediaNTEK, 6/12/2020)
- GatesAir Selects A New Engineering VP With An Intraplex Plug (Radio & Television Business Report, 6/9/2020)
- GatesAir has promoted Keyur Parikh to Vice President of Engineering (RadioInfo, 6/9/2020)
- GatesAir promotes Keyur Parikh to vice president of engineering (Broadcast & CableSat, 6/9/2020)
- GatesAir: Keyur Parikh se torna o novo vice-presidente de engenharia (Panorama Audiovisual, 6/9/2020)
- GatesAir Promotes Parikh to VP of Engineering (Radio World, 6/8/2020)
- GatesAir Promotes Keyur Parikh To VP of Engineering (InBroadcast, 6/8/2020)
- GatesAir Promotes Parikh to Vice President of Engineering (TV Technology, 6/8/2020)
- Keyur Parikh becomes VP Engineering at GatesAir (TM Broadcast, 6/8/2020)
- GatesAir promotes Keyur Parikh to VP of Engineering (Broadcast Film & Video, 6/8/2020)
- GatesAir Promotes Keyur Parikh to Vice President of Engineering (Radio Online, 6/8/2020)
- Keyur Parikh promoted to GatesAir VP of engineering (Pro AVL Asia, 6/8/2020)
- GatesAir’s New Intraplex Unit Gains Channel Mgr. (Radio + Television Business Report, 1/31/2017)
- GatesAir Appoints Dave Agnew as Channel Manager for New Intraplex Business Unit (TheFuture.TV, 1/31/2017)
- Dave Agnew returns to GatesAir (Pro Audio Asia/MEA, 1/30/2017)
- GatesAir pone en marcha su nueva unidad de negocio Intraplex (Panorama AV, 1/27/2017)
- GatesAir Introduces Intraplex Business Unit (Radio World, 1/25/2017)
- GatesAir Introduces Intraplex Business Unit (Radio Magazine, 1/25/2017)
- GatesAir Taps Agnew to Manage New Intraplex Business Unit (TV Technology, 1/25/2017)
- GatesAir Appoints Dave Agnew as Channel Manager for New Intraplex Business Unit (Radio World, 1/25/2017)
- GatesAir makes hire for new business unit (Arabian Industry, 1/25/2017)
- GatesAir Appoints Dave Agnew as Channel Manager for New Intraplex Business Unit (Broadcast Beat, 1/25/2017)
- GatesAir Nombra a Dave Agnew como Gerente de Canales de Intraplex (Newsline Report, 1/25/2017)
- GatesAir Appoints Dave Agnew (InBroadcast, 1/25/2017)
- GatesAir Names Agnew as Intraplex Channel Mgr. (Radio Online, 1/25/2017)
- GatesAir makes hire for new business unit (Digital Production Middle East, 1/25/2017)
- GatesAir Appoints Dave Agnew as Channel Manager for New Intraplex Business Unit (Broadcast & CableSat, 1/25/2017)
- IBC2016 Exhibitor Viewpoint: Rich Redmond, GatesAir (Radio World, 8/23/2016)